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The Great Nexus

Until earlier this month, this was the mechanism by which Star Trek writers kept Captain Kirk alive after his seeming demise in a prior movie.

A ‘nexus’ is a ‘connected group’ or ‘the center of something’.

This month, Greatnexus.com was launched by prolific finance blogger Pinyo. Just as you might be a reader who sees my posting through an RSS feed, Greatnexus offers a number of categories, and then provides feeds for many sites for each one. For example, the Personal Finance category, where I am proud to make my appearance today, is now listing over 50 sites, each of which shows the title of their last 5 posts. As with any RSS feeds, they will update every half hour or so, and a screen refresh will load any new posts since your last visit. If I had the time and patience to neatly arrange all my RSS feeds into proper categories, including Autos, Business, Lifehacks, and many others, my RSS reader might start to scratch the surface of what Greatnexus offers.

Take a look, and let me (or more important, Pinyo) know what you think.


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  • Pinyo April 26, 2009, 12:32 pm

    Thank you for sharing Greatnexus with your readers. I appreciate the compliment too. 🙂

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